
Installing Find A Location

The Find a Location application is built to be intuitive and easily accessible. You may install the application on your site with two lines of code.

Place these two lines of HTML into your page:

<fal-saas configurationurl="https://victorious-bush-043d64f1e.azurestaticapps.net/customizations/vmfh/configuration.json" base-url="/search/locations"></fal-saas>
<script src="https://victorious-bush-043d64f1e.azurestaticapps.net/fal-saas.js" async></script>

The first line of code is a custom element that governs where the Find a Location application will appear on the host page.

The tag name, fal-saas, must remain constant and should not be changed.

The second line of code is an unblocking JavaScript tag that instructs the browser to download the core Find a Location application script.

The src attribute on the script tag should not be altered; doing so may prevent the application from loading entirely.

Finally, please note that the order of the elements is important and that the custom element should always come before the script tag.

For full working examples of the application, refer to the Example Applications section here.

Element Attributes

The fal-saas element has two custom attributes.


This attribute points to a JSON configuration file. This configuration file can be hosted by you, the consumer, or be hosted externally, so long as it is accessible to the application at runtime. Exposing a configuration file in this way enables consumers to optionally customize the behavior of the Find a Location application, assuming the default settings do not meet their requirements.

To find out more about what configurations are available and how to maintain your own configuration file, please see [Configuration].(configuration.html)

base-url (or baseUrl)

This attribute allows the consuming platform to set the base URL that the Find a Location Angular application will use to perform its internal routing.

The base-url attribute value of "/search/locations" depicted above is an example base URL value and would be the correct value if the host page were located at, say, https://www.example.com/search/locations. In other words, this attribute should be set according to where the host page lives.

Including this attribute is optional. If omitted, the application will default to using the value in the href attribute of the <base> tag in the <head> tag of the host page. If the <base> is also omitted, the application defaults the base URL to "/" (the root of the current URL).

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